• Eyes on China
    Discover the Truth
    Publicise the Chinese Communist Party's history of gross human rights abuses
    and its ‘soft power’ approach for global domination.

Discover the Truth

Publicise the Chinese Communist Party's history of gross human rights abuses and its ‘soft power’ approach for global domination.

Our Team

We are a team of dedicated volunteers – researchers and writers who aim to help make the world a better place for all people to live.

Our History

For the last 20 years we have been working to help uncover and rectify instances of human rights violations in China and to help people who have been victims of the CCP´s Marxist policies. This has been done through the presentation of human rights documentaries, international speakers and forums.

Our Mission

Our mission is to expose the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party. We look at how it persecutes its own people using extreme brutality, torture and death. We also uncover the lies, deception and censorship used by the CCP to infiltrate countries around the world to achieve its aim of world domination.